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1.NCCN/JCCNB Seminar in Japan

National Comprehensive Cancer Network(NCCN)
治療効果予測と予後予測 〜乳がんのターゲット治療の模索〜
<米国>Joan S. McClure(NCCN 副総裁)/ Robert W. Carlson(スタンフォード大学 腫瘍内科 教授) / Stephen B. Edge(ロズウェルパークがん研究所 外科 教授) / Benjamin O. Anderson(ワシントン大学 外科 教授)
<欧州>Emiel J. T. Rutgers(オランダ癌研究所 外科 教授) / Laura J. van’t Veer(オランダ癌研究所 腫瘍診断学部長、UCSL)
<東アジア>中国:邵志敏(?旦大学附属?瘤医院 胸部外科 教授)
韓国:ユン・スク・リー(高麗大学校安岩病院 外科 胸部・内分泌部門)
台湾:黄俊升(国立台湾大学医学院附設医院 外科 教授)
日本:中村清吾(JCCNB 代表理事、昭和大学医学部 乳腺外科 教授) / 野口眞三郎(大阪大学医学部附属病院 乳腺内分泌外科 教授) / 藤原康弘(国立がんセンター副院長 乳腺科・腫瘍内科長 ) / 佐谷秀行 (慶応義塾大学 先端医科学研究所 教授) / 井伊雅子(一橋大学 国際・公共政策大学院 教授) / 山重慎二 (一橋大学 公共政策大学院 准教授) / 武井寛幸 (埼玉県立がんセンター 乳腺外科長兼部長) / 中山貴寛(大阪大学医学部附属病院乳腺内分泌外科) / 坂東裕子 (筑波大学付属病院 乳腺・甲状腺・内分泌外科)



ガイドライン一覧 <HP 掲載済ガイドライン>

NCCN 乳がん関連ガイドライン
・乳癌(Breast Cancer)
・乳癌のスクリーニング・診断ガイドライン(Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis)
・乳癌リスク軽減(Breast Cancer Risk Reduction)
・遺伝的要因/家族歴を有する高リスク乳がん・卵巣がん症候群( Genetics / Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast and Ovarian)
NCCN 補助療法に関するガイドライン
・成人がん性疼痛(Adult Cancer Pain)
・がんおよび治療に伴う貧血(Cancer-and Treatment-Related Anemia)
・がん関連感染症の予防と治療(Prevention and Treatment of Cancer-Related infections )
・骨髄増殖因子(Myeloid Growth Factors)
・高齢者のがん治療(Senior Adult Oncology)
・がんに伴う倦怠感(Cancer-Related Fatigue)
・静脈血栓塞栓症(Venous Thromboembolic Disease)
・苦痛緩和医療( Palliative Care)
・精神的苦痛の管理(Distress Management)




JCCNBセミナーは、各種バイアスを抜きにしたもので up to date なテーマを取り上げ、JCCNB中村代表理事を中心に参加者が自由な環境のもとディスカッションをしともに学んでいきます。

場所/時間 聖路加国際病院2階 トイスラー記念ホール  10:00〜12:30
スピーカー 中村清吾(NPO法人 日本乳がん情報ネットワーク代表理事)等
対  象 医師・一般(ご関心のある方) 限定35名
入場料 5,000円
開催日 @ 第 8回  4月 3日(土)=第七回欧州乳癌会議(EBCC-7)の報告会
A 第 9回 10月 16日(土)= ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium報告会
B 第10回 12月18日(土)=サンアントニオ報告会


1. NCCN/JCCNB Seminar in Japan

There is so much diversity among breast cancers. All cancers arise from genetic disorders caused by DNA mutations. The trend towards taking advantage of genetic information to provide individualized treatments has been accelerated. That is personalized medicine.
Last year, we covered the topic on therapeutic efficacy prediction and prognostic prediction, mainly focusing on Oncotype DX, 21-gene expression profile assay based on RT-PCR, and MammaPrint, microarray based gene-expression profiling test of 70 genes.
Besides these two, this year we will look at broader therapies and seek appropriate therapies for various types of breast cancer and targeted therapies.
Meanwhile, Oncotype DX has been mentioned in the NCCN guideline since January 2008. In accordance with the guideline, a total of over a hundred thousand breast cancer patients have submitted to the test and estimated thirty percent of them have avoided vain chemotherapy. This has contributed to a reduction in total medical expenses. We will attempt to make a comparative review of clinical data to ascertain whether the same tests are effective for Japanese as well as other Asian people (Korea, Taiwan, Hong-Kong and China), furthermore measure its impact in view of prognosis on a macroeconomic level, and define its orientation. In terms of postoperative medication, Eastern Asian countries have now provided treatments reflecting results of the Western-led international joint clinical trials. Concerning assays to predict therapeutic efficacy in treatment selection, we think that it is necessary to avoid delays such as “drug lag” by making a prompt review to evaluate whether introduction of these assays to Japan and other Asian countries is possible. We will invite doctors and clinicians from East Asian countries and discuss these issues to make constant progress.

Date Saturday, November 20, 2010 9:30 - 18:30 (subject to change)
Venue Tokyo International Forum (Hall B5)
Co-host NCCN / JCCNB
Topic Therapeutic efficacy prediction and prognostic prediction - Explore the possibility of targeted therapy for breast cancer -
Speakers U.S. = Joan S. McClure (NCCN) / Robert W. Carlson (Stanford University) / Stephen B. Edge (Roswell Park Cancer Institute) , etc.
Europe = Laura van’t Veer (UCSL) / Emiel J. T. Rutgers (NKI-AVL,EORTC Secretary General)
Asia = Zhi-Ming Shao (Fudan University) / Eun Sook Lee (Korea University) / Chiun-Sheng Huang (National Taiwan University)
Japan = Seigo Nakamura (Japan Comprehensive Cancer Network, Breast ) / Shinzaburo Noguchi (Osaka University) / Yasuhiro Fujiwara (National Cancer Center Hospital)

2.Publication of Japanese versions of NCCN Clinical Practice Guidelines in OncologyTM

With the support of NCCN, JCCNB will translate and publicize “Guidelines for Treatment of Breast Cancer” and “Guidelines for Supportive Care”, which NCCN has been developing in the U.S., as well as their respective revised versions.

List of guidelines <posted on the Web site>

NCCN Guidelines for Treatment of Breast Cancer
・Breast Cancer
・Breast Cancer Screening and Diagnosis
・Breast Cancer Risk Reduction
・ Genetics/Familial High-Risk Assessment: Breast and Ovarian
NCCN Guidelines for Supportive Care
・Adult Cancer Pain
・Cancer- and Treatment-Related Anemia
・Prevention and Treatment of Cancer-Related Infections 
・Myeloid Growth Factors
・Senior Adult Oncology
・Cancer-Related Fatigue
・Venous Thromboembolic Disease
・Palliative Care

3.Conduct a survey on trends in breast cancer treatment

JCCNB will send out survey questionnaires on cases, treatments, and drug utilization etc., to medical specialists via JCCNB Web site to compile and analyze the result of the survey.

4.JCCNB seminars

JCCNB will release a summary report of the seminar mainly focusing on priority issues that have been discussed at international meetings in Europe and the United States.

Venue / Time Teusler memorial hall, St. Luke’s International Hospital 2F 10:00 - 12:30
Speaker(s) Seigo Nakamura (Japan Comprehensive Cancer Network, Breast) et al.
Intended audience physicians, the interested public (Please note that the total number of participants is limited to 35)
Fee 5,000 yen
Date 1) Date: Sat, April 3 =Report on EBCC-7 (7th European Breast Cancer Conference)
2) Date: Sat, October 16 =Report on ASCO Breast Cancer Symposium
3) Date: Sat, December 18 =Report on the San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium
